Winners of ICC 2020 Telkom University

International Creativity Competition (ICC) 2020 has been
held for all diplomas and bachelor degree students for any university, any
major, around the world with 310 participants registered. There are four
several competition categories:
1. Video Competition
2. Visual Story Telling
3. News Casting and
4. Short Story Writing
Participants from Indonesia and foreign universities include Telkom University, Maranatha Christian University, University of Indonesia, Sriwijaya University, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, PKN STAN, Brawijaya University, University of Malaya, University of the Philippines – Diliman, King Saud University for Health Sciences, SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh University of Professionals and others.
After the administration process and plagiarism checking, the participants who entered next stage are:
1. Video Competition: 20 videos
2. Visual Storytelling: 12 portfolios
3. Short Story Writing: 98 writings
4. News Casting: 12 videos
This competition chooses several judges and experts from internal and external institution consist of :
News Casting
1. Mrs. Svadev Premadasi M (Kompas TV Jabar)
2. Mr. Hafeezur Rahmaan bin Mohd Yassin (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
3. Mrs. Martha Tri Lestari, S. Sos, M.M (Digital Public Relations, Telkom University)
Video Competition:
1. Mr. Sonson Nurusholih, S.Sn., M.Sn (Visual Communication Design, Telkom University)
2. Mr. Freddy Yusanto, S. Sos., M.Ds. (Communication Science, Telkom University)
3. Mr. Dr. Mohd Asyiek bin Mat Desa (Universiti Sains
Visual Story Telling
1. Mrs. Anistya Rachmawati (LAC, PSAL)
2. Mrs. Sri Maharani Budi, S.Ds., M.Ad (Visual Communication Design, Telkom University)
3. Mr. Ilhamsyah, M.Ds (Visual Communication Design, Telkom University)
Short Story Telling
1. Mrs. Dr. Nia Kurniasih (Bandung Institute of Technology)
2. Mrs. Dr. Iis Kurnia Nuryahati (Communication Science, Telkom University)
3. Mrs. Dr. Retno Hendryanti, Ph. D (LAC, PSAL)
And this is International Creativity Competition 2020 winners:
1. Arwin Ramli (Multi Media College, Yogyakarta)
2. Emir Ahmad Fauzan (Telkom University, Bandung)
3. Vanesea Alexander (Tzu Chi The International Baccalaureate, Diploma Program, Jakarta)
1. Laurensia Shinna Darmadji (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
2. Kamiliya Nurul Hani (Telkom University, Bandung)
3. Isfahany Sarah Syahida (Bandung State Polytechnic)
1. Sally Novianti (Bandung State of Polytechnic)
2. Sumit Kumar (Chitkara University, India)
1. Sheikh Zinia Rahman (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2. Puspa Gita Febriany (Bandung State Polytechnic)
3. Avadoo Sarah Iortsor (Benue State University, Nigeria)
Note : All judge’s review, decisions and scores are absolute, valid and cannot be changed after the announcement. Congratulations! You’ve doing great! See you again on next ICC 2021.