Faculty of Communication and Business (FKB) is a new faculty at Telkom University. Telkom University was managed by Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) which is now known as the “Telkom Foundation”. Education Foundation Telkom-Sandhykara Putra Telkom Foundation (YPT-YSPT) marks his work for 34 years in the world of education in Indonesia with the rebranding into “Telkom Foundation”. Telkom Foundation is determined to give birth to a new generation through education, so that Indonesia can “hold his head” in the eyes of the world. “The Grand Launching of Telkom Foundation: “Building the Civilization”, held on May 21, 2014 at Telkom University Convention Hall (Tuch) Bandung Technoplex Jln. Telecommunications Dayeuhkolot Kab. Bandung. To further strengthen its new identity, Telkom Foundation also introduced a new logo and tagline “Building the Civilization”. This tagline illustrates the determination of Telkom Foundation to build the civilization of the individual characteristics of a smart and tough, which is beneficial to the community and society.

In accordance with the decision of the Governing Council Education Foundation Telkom Number: KEP0205 / 00 / DGA-02 / YPT / 2014 concerning the structure of Organizational Structure and Working Procedures Telkom University, March 28, 2014, Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty developed into two, (1) Faculty of Communication and Business (FKB), and (2) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). Faculty of Communication and Business (FKB) consists of two study program, namely:

  • Science Program in Business Administration
  • Communication Studies Program

Being an international faculty in the field of communication and information technology-based businesses


  • Organizing and developing international standard education in the field of communication sciences and business
  • Develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of communication and information technology-based businesses
  • Produce superior copyrighted works in the field of communication sciences and business to the welfare and progress of civilization

Administration Business