One Day of Inspiring General Lecture by Professor Dr. Veland Ramadani
Business Administration International Class students of 2015 and 2016 had a great chance to meet Professor Veland Ramadani, an active author of international papers on October 28th 2016 in their classroom.
Professor Veland got his Doctor of Science in Economy in Skopje Macedonia. His specialty is Entrepreneurship and Management. He had published vast ranges of papers about economy, business, management entrepreneurship, small enterprise, innovations and many more.
He stayed in Bandung to present in workshop, international conference (ISCLO 2016) and finally shared in International Class of Telkom University in Tokong Nanas Building.
During his 2 hours lecture to international class students in Entrepreneurship Class, he shared about the small medium enterprise and entrepreneurial enterprise, the different perspective between male and female about entrepreneurship, the obstacles in developing business and interesting industries for youth business. He also had a great discussion about students experience in related topic.
The students were really eager to listen to the professor’s explanation. 31 students from business administration asked various questions about how to develop entrepreneurship in Indonesia. Two hours were not enough to explore all the matter. (AZF)