International Class ESyP Schedule for Even Semester 2016/2017
In order to know your ESyP schedule and ESyP class, please download and open the file below based on your class name: JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-AB-40-INT JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-IF-40-INT JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-MB-40-INT-1 JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-MB-40-INT-2 JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-MB-40-INT-3 JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER GENAP 2016-2017-SI-40-INT JADWAL ESYP SEMESTER […]
The Art of Negotiation Skills Workshop
“Our mother is the best negotiator in the world”, that was one of the quotes said by Ms. Shimaditya Nuraeni while delivering the one day workshop of “The Art of Negotiation Skills”. This event was held on Monday, January 23, 2017 in Tokong Nanas building of Telkom University from 09.00-13.00. Around 35 students from various […]
Boosting Public Speaking and English Skills Through Toastmasters International Program
Dozens of lecturers of International Class in Telkom University were gathered to join public speaking and English improvement program through toasmasters club International. This program was conducted from 9 AM to 12 PM in Tokong Nanas Building room 14. The lecturers joining this program were very eager to participate and improve their skills in English […]
Toastmasters Demonstration
On November 10, 2016, ICAO held Toastmasters Demonstration (TM Demonstration) for International Class Students. This event aimed to give them information about what Toastmasters is, and make them know how Toastmasters can improve their English competence, particularly, for Public Speaking Skill. This event was attended by more than 35 students from three majors, MB, AB, […]
Growing Eco-leadership in Educational Ecosystem for More Sustainable Indonesia
International Class Academic Office once again held the monthly event namely Leader’s Talk. Presenting the 9th episode, ICAO proudly presented Stig Traavik (The Ambassador of Kingdom of Norway To Republic Of Indonesia) who delivered the topic of “Growing Eco-Leadership In Educational Ecosystem For More Sustainable Indonesia”. The event was held from 09.00-12.00 at ICAO Auditorium, […]