Share Fair 2020 How to Implement an Effective Teaching and Learning Process in the Digital Age for International Class

On Thursday, 3rd September 2020. The International Class of Telkom Univrsity has been hold a special sharing session for internal International Class lecturers in Share Fair 2020. This event started at 02.45 p.m. (Jakarta Time) and opened by the Wiley team. Wiley is a global publication company in academic journals in many expertises. For about 40 minutes, they delivered a lot of informative presentation about how Wiley works, what Wiley offers to the customers, and how to access to the web of the Wiley.
The main agenda of this event presented Dr. Mohd Asyiek bin Mat Desa, the lecturer of Visual Communication Design in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Dr. Vina Adriany, the head of Departmenet of Early Childhood Education in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and Ibu Indrawati, Ph.D, the lecturer of ICT Business and MM Program in Telkom University.
Share Fair 2020 has attended by more than 30 participants, including the PIC of International Class and the International Class lecturers. In this sharing session, the participants got insightful talks about the way to implement an effective teaching and learning process in digital era.
Thank you to all the honorable lecturers for joining this event. Don’t forget to follow Instagram account of ICAO @icaotelkomuniversity for more webinar. See you soon!