Leaders Talks Episode 11 : How Digital is Changing Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
Bandung, Telkom University, (23/8/17). The most crucial problem in this era is the slow innovation and adaptation towards possibilities to be exact it is the changes that move faster that the innovation.
Telkom University through International Class Academic Office (ICAO), supported by Forum Alumni Universitas Telkom (FAST) regularly conduct relevant sharing knowledge named Leaders Talk to anticipate the occuring possibilities.
On Wednesday August 23, 2017 the 11th Leader’s Talk brought young potential woman that works in a business that is dragged into rapid digital dynamics. A crisis of communication emerges so that the conventional adaptation is no longer be able to be a solutiojn for the rapid changes. Noni Sri Ayati Purnomo, President Director of Blue Bird Grup Indonesia, a premium transportation corporation that untill now is being the top player in transportation business.
“Three important things that we adapt to build the corporation : integrity, hardwork and understanding all human assets as family. The change is definitely unavoidable yet following the change directly without careful consideration is not also wise”, she said.
Noni, herself realized that digital era has turned things upside down. The awareness of it has at least been previously anticipated by creting My Blue Bird. In fact, the innovation is not really well penetrated while the data based coorporation came to Indonesia. Go-Jek, Uber and grab Indonesia are the popular names for that. Therefore, it is not the technology that has influenced the change but the human behaviour, too.
“ We have been striving to search our weaknesses and formulate the solution. In terms of technology, we already adapted to it. However, there is something else. There is service value there so that the try to adapt and face all the communication crisis by strengthening our service that portrayed tha quality and understanding the customers need”, she said.
The digital era, however, cannot be ignored. This is based on the statement of technology philisopher, Manuel Chastells. For him, the digital era is a society life transformation from materials order to information order, “rising the network society”, he said. This thing is reasonable because information based service that has been so far influencing the digital leadership. The company such as saja Uber, Gojek, Grab Indonesia for example, they are not transportation corporation but data service coorporation. “We could not say that they are competitors since they are not running the same line of business”, she said.
The event of Leader’s Talk Episode 11th were attended by several big companies in Indonesia and it is expected to give inspiration to do innovation in digital industries.
Indonesian version source :
Click the following link to watch the full event of Leader’s Talk Episode 11 :
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4