International Class Students Go Abroad for Students Exchange & Joint Degree Program
August, 2016, Telkom University (Tel-U) sent 22 International Class students to study abroad for Students Exchange & Joint Degree Programs. For Students Exchange program, Tel-U sent away 21 students to 3 its university partners, namely, Kumoh Institute of Technology (KIT) and Sol International School (SIS) of South Korea, and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Whereas, for Joint Degree program, Tel-U only sent one student to Fontys University of Netherland.
For Students Exchange program, all students get 1 semester to study in host university. They are from Telecommunications Engineering (12 persons), Business Administration (5 persons), International ICT Business (2 persons), Industrial Engineering & Information System (2 persons). Whereas, for Joint Degree program, the student gets 2 semesters in host university, one semester longer than Student Exchange program. He is a student of Information System.
Here are the following names of the students and their host universities for Students Exchange & Joint Degree Programs:
No. | Kind of Program | Name of Student | Major | Host University |
1 | Student Exchange | ADITYA RIFQI JAUHARI | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
2 | Student Exchange | ANDARINING PALUPI | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
3 | Student Exchange | M. AKBAR IBNU FARHAN PUTRA SUJARWO | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
4 | Student Exchange | MAHENDRA DIWASASRI REKA PRAVYANA | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
5 | Student Exchange | NIMAS SEKAR AYU ALIFIA FATIHAH | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
6 | Student Exchange | NURUL NADIYYA BUNGA AROFAH | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
7 | Student Exchange | RAYMOND JOSHUA PARASIAN SIHOMBING | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
8 | Student Exchange | REYNANDA ARIYOPUTRAKA | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
9 | Student Exchange | RIZKY AMBARINI | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
10 | Student Exchange | SATRIO YUDO PRAWIRO | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
11 | Student Exchange | SHAFITRI NUHANIFA | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
12 | Student Exchange | WILDAN MAULANA | Telecommunication Engineering | KIT |
13 | Student Exchange | GILAR PRIMAYANTO | Information System | KIT |
14 | Student Exchange | REVINA HARDAYANTI | Industrial Engineering | KIT |
15 | Student Exchange | AFRILIA UTAMI | International ICT Business | SOL |
16 | Student Exchange | DIANTY ANGGRAINI PUTRI | International ICT Business | SOL |
17 | Student Exchange | MUHAMMAD TAUFAN ABIYOSO | Business Administration | UUM |
18 | Student Exchange | MUHAMMAD IQBAL | Business Administration | UUM |
19 | Student Exchange | HANI KHAIRUNNISA FADHILA | Business Administration | UUM |
20 | Student Exchange | DIMAZ PRANATA RIZALDI | Business Administration | UUM |
21 | Student Exchange | AYU AGUSTINE HERNOWO | Business Administration | UUM |
22 | Joint Degree | ADRI RIAWAN | Information System | Fontys University |