Go Pro Socialization for International Class Student
What it means to be International class students? What makes it different from regular program? Those are some of the questions mingling in the mind of student of International class. As the freshmen they are eager to know about the programs they will get.
Thus, as a means to answer the questions, International Class Academic Office (ICAO) held Go Pro Socialization to the freshmen. The events were divided into three batches (so far two events have been conducted). First event was conducted on September, 2nd 2016. Second, it was conducted on September 8th.
In the first session of the event, Dr. Ida Wahidah, ICAO manager, presented general information about International Class. Secondly, Eka Yuliana, S.T., MSM, ICAO assistant manager of academic affairs, explained about the special programs and the details. Finally, Isti Khasanah, S.AB., ICAO assistant manager of facilities and service, delivered about ther service and facilities provided by ICAO. Additionally, the explanation about language service was delivered by Yanto Nugraha, S.Pd., M.Hum.
From the two events conducted, around 103 participants came eagerly to join. The event started from 9.00 am to 11.00 am. The students were enthusiastically asking the questions about special programs such as student exchange, immersion, internship and international certifications.
The program was very useful to enrich and expose the freshmen of international class to prepare them to be able to face global competitions. As international class students, they are required to have 500 toefl score, good GPA and other skills to be eligible to join the special programs.
Nurul Fitri Sylvani, one of ICAO ambassadors, gave some tips in this event of how to be global citizens. She also shared her experience while having student exchange in South Korea. She encouraged the freshmen to prepare as early as possible to face the future and never procrastinate.