CV Writing and Interview Skills Webinar 2021
“Elevate your CV writing and Interview skills”
Tuesday (11/16/21). International Class, Telkom University successfully held webinar event in November 2021, titled “Elevate your CV writing and Interview skills” This workshop invited a great speaker named: DWIKO WOLMA PUTERA S.M., Head of Human Development of T A X S A M . C O, Founder & Owner of Di Toko Kopi, and Alumni Business Management, Telkom University
This webinar opens with an explanation of the difference between a Curriculum Vitae and a Resume. Next Mr. Dwiko gave an example of what is like a great application letter looks like? This example can make it easier for students to make an application letter. A detailed explanation of the Application letter and cover letter. The most important point in the CV writing webinar is that there are 3 important points that students must pay attention to in making application letters, the first is Adjusting paragraph and space (make it very comfortable to read) the second Highlight some of your excess of confident skills (Bold or italics) and the third is Adjust your color and concept CV theme due to the company’s industry.
43 participants were attended and joined the first session till the end seriously. Our guest speakers have successfully inspired all participants to become active.