Writing from Scratch Center

Hello Students!
Good news, for those of you who have difficulties in writing a Skripsi in English, and want to discuss it first to check all sentences that have been written. yes, you need an English tutor to check your writing and help you resealed a good quality Skripsi from English language aspect. ICAO presents Writing for Dummies Centre! Please register your self, and meet with your English tutor online or offline to discuss about your Skripsi. Don’t miss it :)
This year, ICAO proudly presents Writing from Scratch Center. This center aims at helping International Class students with content, grammar, and spelling in writing Skripsi/Final Project. It guides students towards known good scientific writing practices. This program was designed to help you with your writing, not to merely point out errors. So, please register and click this link: http://bit.ly/RegistrasiSkripsiWriting and grab this program benefits. For more information, please visit on ICAO’s website www.icao.telkomuniversity.ac.id
Have a great Skripsi/Final Project journey