The Opening Ceremony: International Collaborative Community Service comes alive at i-CATS University College
ICCS in Temajuk, Kalimantan Barat, is an international collaborative community service program initiated by Telkom University. The program is conducted in collaboration with partner universities from Kalimantan Barat, namely Poltesa (Politeknik Negeri Sambas) and UPB (Universitas Panca Bakti), as well as a partner from Malaysia, i-CATS University. Additionally, the program involves an industry partner, PT. Telkom Indonesia, this program was held in Temajuk, West Kalimantan, with contributions from all four universities aimed at increasing technology awarenedd and supporting the development of local MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). and Temajuk village located on the border between Indonesia and Malaysia, which holds significant potential for development.
ICCS opening ceremony held at i-CATS University College and took place on 13th August 2024 in Kuching, Malaysia, this event was a symbolic gesture of shared commitment from the four institutions to exchange knowledge and expertise for the betterment of communities.
Before heading to Temajuk, students and lecturers participating in the program attended a public lecture to prepare them with essential knowledge and skills. On the morning of the opening ceremony, they gathered in the auditorium to deepen their understanding of the topics they would address during the community service.
After the public lecture, the ceremony kicked off with lively participation from university representatives, students, and lecturers, all adding to the joyful atmosphere. The event’s highlight included opening speeches by university presentatives, the official inauguration of the ICCS program, introductions of participating students and lecturers and photo session to capture the memorable event.
This community service initiative is expected not only to bring positive changes to the people of Temajuk but also to provide valuable experiences for the participants in understanding the local social and cultural. With active involvement from students and lecturers from the participating institutions, the program will focus on projects that support community empowerment, education quality improvement, and local infrastructure development.
After the opening ceremony in Kuching, delegations from the four universities—Telkom University, Politeknik Negeri Sambas, Universitas Panca Bhakti, and i-CATS University College—traveled to Temajuk, West Kalimantan, where the main activities of the program would take place. The journey to Temajuk took approximately five hours, stopping at the Aruk checkpoint on the Indonesia-Malaysia border for administrative procedures and document checks. Despite the lengthy travel, the participants remained enthusiastic and eager to commence the community service activities.
The ICCS program in Temajuk is designed to create meaningful impact on the local community through various activities, including educational workshops, community empowerment initiatives, and the development of village infrastructure and tourism potential. The presence of these university delegations is expected to bring positive changes and contribute to the improved well-being of the people in Temajuk.