Student Exchange Spring 2021 – Interview result (Inha University) for Telecomunication Engineering students

No. | Name | Student ID No. | Partner University | Interview result | Remark |
1 | Muhammad Azaria Widyadhana | 1101194425 | Inha University, South Korea | Recommended | Invitation for an orientation will be sent via email. Please check you inbox regularly |
2 | Naufal Alim Harya Putra | 1101194410 | Inha University, South Korea | Recommended | Invitation for an orientation will be sent via email. Please check you inbox regularly |
3 | Cantika Candra Rini | 1101192447 | Inha University, South Korea | Recommended | Invitation for an orientation will be sent via email. Please check you inbox regularly |
4 | Nigo Wisnu Wijaya | 1101194406 | Inha University, South Korea | Recommended | Invitation for an orientation will be sent via email. Please check you inbox regularly |
5 | Ratna Sari | 1101194404 | Inha University, South Korea | Recommended | Invitation for an orientation will be sent via email. Please check you inbox regularly |