Self-Management Webinar 2021
“Boost yourself to Finish the Line”
Wednesday (12/22/21). International Class, Telkom University successfully held the last webinar event in 2021. titled “Boost yourself to Finish the Line” This workshop invited a great speaker named: Khamsha Noory Finalisya,M.Psi.,Psikolog, Clinical Child Psychologist in Brawijaya Women and Child, Clinic Bandung, RS Al Islam Bandung, Biro Psikologi Magnaka, and School Psychologist, Tester, Evaluator, Counsellor in Tunas Insan Mulia.
with a case example from a story and an explanation. next explains the difference about The Difference of High school and College Study.
after that, the speaker continued the explanation about self-management according to (Zimmerman & Risemberg, 1997) namely Motivation, Methods of learning, Use of Time, Physical environment, Social environment, Performance. All of these points were explained in detail by the speaker so that participants could understand them.
213 participants include international class students and regular students were attended and joined the first session till the end seriously. Our guest speakers have successfully inspired all participants to become active.