Online Workshop: Academic Writing for Engineering and Social Sciences
Thursday (01/28/21). International Class, Telkom University successfully held its first webinar event in early 2021, titled “Academic Writing for Engineering and Social Sciences” This workshop invited two great speakers named: Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar (Lecturerof Telecommunication Engineering, Director of The Center for Advance Wireless Technologies, Telkom University) who discussed about Engineering field of study and Mahir Pradana, Ph.D (Lecturer of BusinessAdministration, Head of Business Organization and Sustainability Research Group, Telkom University) who delivered for Social Sciences field of study.
This Webinar provided for all participants how to write academic writing and other scientific manuscript systematically and effectively. This webinar followed by students who are writing their research (Bachelor’s Thesis) and mandatory for International students. In the first session which was moderated by Cut Irna Setiawati (Assistant Manager of Internasional Class), Academic Writing for Engineering was officially opened by the Director of PSAL, Dr. Iis Kurnia Nurhayati and motivated participants to focus on the key elements in writing academic research. Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar opened his presentation with an explanation of Why do research and benefits in doing research. Then he continued by describing some examples of errors in writing. He also presented about attitude and example in answering Reviewer’s comments when trying to submit our research on reputable Journals. 87 participants were attended and joined the first session till the end seriously, include some students and lecturers from IT PLN through Zoom application.
The second session of Academic Writing for Social Sciences which was opened by The Postgraduate Manager and International Class Unit, Dr. Ira Wirasari, M. Ds, then moderated by one of Student Volunteer, named Nathael Khareza (Communication Sciences International Class student). Mahir Pradana, Ph.D. opened his presentation by delivered his motivational career journey, and he released the process how to write and produce several books and also explained about life hacks. It was interesting topics! He also explained about fiction, non-fiction and academic writing as our masterpieces. The second session was attended by 141 active participants and they discussed in one online zoom room. Both experts were successfully inspired all participants to become an active writer, especially for research academic writing! Good luck.