Leader’s Talk Series ep. 21 Day 1 & ep. 22 Day 2: Authentic Leadership in the Time of Crisis for A Great Indonesia
On Wednesday, 2nd & 9th September 2020, at 01.00 p.m. (Jakarta Time) the International Class of Telkom University has succeed to hold a Leader’s Talk Series ep. 21 for the day 1 & ep. 22 Day 2, via Zoom application. This webinar presented Bapak Janoe Arijanto the CEO of Dentsu One Indonesia, Ibu Asri Wijayanti, the CEO of Jahitin.com, Bapak Rizka Ariesnawan Putranto, Chief of Business Strategy of PT Pindad (Persero) and Ibu Canka A. S. Putri, Head of Talent Development Center, Human Resource Development Agency of the Ministry of PUPR. This event has attended by more than 400 participants, including the Academicians of Telkom University, PIC of Internationcal Class, Board of Deans, Board of Directors, and students from regular and international Class.
For about 2.5 hours, both of the speakers shared about how their organzations going in the middle of this pandemic of Covid-19. Started from the struggling and problems that they had to solve, until the way they tried to rebuild their new concepts and plans in order to maintain their organizations to face the new normal.
By this event, we understand that many parties in this world are having hard time because of this pandemic and both of speakers has succeed to motivate us not to give up easily. Thank you to all the participants for joining to this event. don’t forget to follow ICAO Instagram account @icaotelkomunivrsity for the upcoming Leader’s Talk Series. See you soon!