Leader’s Talk Episode 6 with Jimmy M. Rifai Gani : Principle Strategies for Competing in The Digital Age
Leader’s Talk episode 6 brought the topic “Principle Strategies for Competing in the Digital Age” on May 18 2016 with the keynote speaker Jimmy M. Rifa’i Gani. In this event the youngest director in Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) version highlighted several strategies for competing in the digital age : Open Your Mind, Strong Will and Big Heart.
Jimmy as The CEO of IPMI International Business School also said that there is no one formula to gain success. To get suceed is like to ride a bike. “You need to ride the bike to know how you can ride it or not” he said. He also shared his experience while having some positions in several international companies. He said that opportunity is not equal to profit. In this era people need value from the thing that they buy.