International Class V-LOG Competition
Hi All International Class Students, show your creativity by participating in the Vlog Competition of International Class. Submit your creative video and win the prize. Let’s register your team right now! Registration will be closed on November 10, at 23:59 pm.
1. It can be joined by all Active International Class Students (All Batches)
2. Each team consists of at least 4 people
3. Each team can submit 1 video log
4. The theme of Video Blog (Vlog) is “International Class Profile”
5. Video duration: Vlog is created with a duration of at least of 5 minutes and maximum of 10 minutes
6. Competiiton Period: 10 – 30 November 2017
7. Upload the video to your Youtube account and submit youtube video link to [email protected] or [email protected]
8. The video is original, does not infringe any intellectual property rights of any party, and has not been published before. Video contains no pornographic, SARA, and does not violate any applicable laws / rules in Indonesia.
9. Video Link Delivery shoul be no later than November 30, 2017, at 23:59 WIB
10. Winners will be announced through the website of icao.telkomuniversity.ac.id
11. The decision of the committee is absolute and inviolable
12. The video included in the competition belongs to ICAO, and is entitled to use all of the video works in the competition by including the credit of the video maker.
Champion 1 = Rp 1,250,000+souvenirs
Champion 2 = Rp 1,000,000+souvenirs
Champion 3 = Rp 750,000+souvenirs
1. The concept and creativity of the Video
2. Additional costumes and properties used as well as Audio Visual used in VLOG
3. Video contains positive information that can give a good effect on the image of the international class
4. Plotting or defining a clear and weighted video storyline (vlog)
5. Delivering messages that can be digested
6. Number of likes on Vlogs uploaded and included in the competition
7. Video Quality
Registration Link : http://bit.ly/intclassvlogcompetition