Immersion Program to The Netherlands : Getting Exposed to International Atmosphere
One of the International Class Programs in Telkom University in 2016 is immersion program.
The destined pace was Saxion University in The Netherlands located in Enschede. This program was held starting from on May 29, 2016 to June 6, 2016.
11 students from the faculty of economics and business as well as industrial engineering were involved in the program. Along with the students, accompanied two persons (head of econmics and business department, Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sari and manager assistant of International Class Academic Office,Eka Yuliana, M.SM.
All of the students seem excited to join this program. During their visit, the students were exposed to various acticities including : sit in in two courses, company visit to General Electrics, excursion to notable places in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
This program is one of compulsary options in the scheme of International Mobility, so if a student enrolled in international class, they will have to choose one of compulsary programs i.e immersion, student exchange, edutrip or join degree/double degree.