Happy New Year!
It’s been an incredible 2021, and we couldn’t have done it without you! After all, we have accomplished, we believe that we have the best “support system” for all International class students. The support from the university and the Faculty have been outstanding and bring to life our mission to render excellent academic service to International Class students.
In 2021, ICAO held 10 exciting Online Webinars, Global Learning Weeks with 9 Visiting Professors, Leader’s Talks Online-Onsite, sharing sessions with great alumni, and an International Creativity Competition in the second year. ICC invited 90 global students from other universities with two categories of competition. This year, ICAO also held Writing from Scratch Center batches 2 and 3. WSC supports students in completing their Research/Final Projects. WSC was conducted smoothly and enthusiastically by supervisors and all students who participated in this program. We will also send students who will do student exchange and congratulations to those who have accepted. Do your best and Good Luck!
Welcome to the 2022! We prepare for new experiences, agendas, achievements together with all International Class students. Hopefully, in 2022 we will meet onsite, study in class with health protocols. We can’t wait for that time.
Thank you again for the excellent support, feedback, and love you have shown for ICAO! Thanks to the Faculty, International Office, and Logistics Department for improving teaching and learning facilities such as the Smart Class System, Discussion Room, and Student Room. We’re excited to see what 2022 holds and excited to have you a part of this journey.
Stay safe, stay healthy, have fun, and Happy New Year!