Farewell Party 2022
The International Class Academic Office, with the help of Student Volunteer held a farewell party on Monday (05/12/22) for our graduated international students. This event aimed to appreciate the hard work of all the graduated students and wish them all luck for a new journey in the real world. This event was not only attended by graduates, the Director of Postgraduate and Advance Learning, Heads of Departments, and PICs of International Class also attended this event.
This event was led by Master of Ceremony Rasyya Madania Rumaisha (Accounting) and Sofyan Rinaldi (Informatics). This event started with an outstanding opening speech by the Director of Postgraduate and Advance Learning, Dr. Achmad Rizal, and he also gave the Certificate of International Class Program to graduates.
After the opening speech, all participants enjoyed their time listening to special performances by Rexcy Putra and Maurich (Informatics). They sang “Night Changes” and “History” by One Direction. In Game time, a game called Hidden Card was played, and all the participants joined this game together happily led by Rexcy Putra (Informatics). Before this event, all the participants need to send their best memories and the Student Volunteers chose one as the best. After the game, we went to award time, and the winner of best memory was Aurora Stepinit Sazafi with her good memory picture with her friends during their graduation.
After that, we listened to the speech from one of our graduates, Thoriq Putra Renaldi from Informatics, and also an inspirational speech by Diya Namira Pura, who is one of the Alumni of Telkom University. The event closed with a compilation movie that Student Volunteer made for their dedication to the graduates.
All the participants attended and joined from the first session till the end, full of excitement.
International Class Academic Office (ICAO) and Student Volunteer say CONGRATULATION to all the graduates! Your journey here is finished and now let’s continue to the next step!