Kanazawa University Exchange Program (KUEP-Online) from Autumn semester 2021
Kanazawa University has decided to implement “Online” Exchange Program (KUEP-Online) from Autumn semester 2021.*This is a completely ONLINE KUEP program, separate from the face-to-face KUEP that we have been doing for some time. Please find the Guidelines for Applicants to Kanazawa University Short-term Exchange Program (2021-2022) on the website. It would be highly appreciated if […]
MMU Virtual Mobility Program 2021 in Media Communication, Trends, & Techniques
MMU, Malaysia cordially invites Telkom University‘s student to join MMU Virtual Mobility Program 2021 in Media Communication, Trends, & Techniques. This program allows students to explore and experience communication trends of social media, develop skills for creative industries, and upskill mobile technologies. MMU Virtual Mobility Program Eligibility:Undergraduate and postgraduate students from any discipline. MMU Virtual […]
Astra Internship Fair 2021
ANNOUNCEMENTAstra Internship Fair now OPEN RECRUITMENT from 26 – 31 April 2021. Registration link:natacara.id/astra-internship-fair-2021#telutizen#icao#telkomuniversity
Webinar Communication Skill for Academic Purpose
[ NO NEED TO WORRY ANYMORE ] No matter what type of student you are, communication skills are essential for academics. Academic communication involves presenting ideas effectively and formally in a scholastic environment. If you attend an institution of higher education, you can use these skills to contribute to the academic conversation with your lecturers […]
INTERNATIONAL CREATIVITY COMPETITION (ICC) 2021 Presented by: International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia Hello Students! Are you waiting for the annual ICC competition? Let’s open this year with joy and creativity in everything we do. New Normal is in progress, but several campuses are still applying for study from home. […]