Career 101: Armed Yourself With Communication Skills

Hello Tel-U students!
During this work from home (WFH) or study from home (SFH) situation, actually we have more time to prepare or maybe reshape our skills, including communication skills. One of the great importance of having the best communication skills was the success of
Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Ilkka Paananen and others, although it’s not the only factor which make them successful, but definitely it’s one of it. Remember, those who has good communication skills will survive in any circumstances. So, prepare well your self right now!
We are waiting for your participation on “Career 101: Armed Yourself With Communication Skills” online seminar on May 15th, 2020 via Zoom with a communication specialist.
The link for registration is http://bit.ly/WorkshopCareer101
Put this on your calender and don’t miss it!