Application Documents Webinar 2021
“Preparing Travel and Application Documents During and After Pandemic”
Friday (09/10/21). International Class, Telkom University successfully held webinar event in September 2021, titled “Preparing Travel and Application Documents During and After Pandemic” This workshop invited a great speaker named: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhizam bin Mustafa, Internationalisation Strategist Consultant, SOTA-USM Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
This webinar begins about Pandemics, trade wars, nuclear weapons, land disputes, cyber-attacks, military tensions, domestic disputes and migration are all trends that can contribute to a geopolitical crisis, jeopardising the travel and tourism sector along the way. “People who are fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine or a vaccine authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization can travel safely globally.”
The speaker explained What to Do and How-to International Travel, What’s Next? Preparation Before Traveling. continued
1. with Safety & Health: Issues at the Destination, Medical Support, Rules & Regulations, Identity Affirmation repatriation
2. Worst-Case Scenario: You are infected, whilst there is no local ground embassy, the local does not speak English or Bahasa and your travel documents got lost and money was stolen? Travel ticket but VISA process takes longer than usual due to backlogged and extra approval requirements. WHAT DO YOU DO?
3. What If Situation: Plan A, B or C, Safety at Risk, Health at Risk, Trapped
4. Cases & Variants, Understanding the number of cases of your destination or during transit and the type of issues/variant/problem on site.
20 participants were attended and joined the first session till the end seriously. Our guest speakers have successfully inspired all participants to become active.