Share Fair Webinar 2021
“Engaging Ways to Start the Impactful Hybrid Class”
Thursday (09/09/21). International Class, Telkom University successfully held webinar event in September 2021, titled “Engaging Ways to Start the Impactful Hybrid Class” This workshop invited a great speaker named : Dr. Uwes Anis Chaeruman, M.Pd Lecturer of Postgraduate Studies, Jakarta State University
For the first explanation by Mrs. Dr. Ira Wirasari, M.Ds. as Manager of Graduate Studies and International Class Unit. Started with an explanation about International Class is part of a study program covering: lectures, laboratory works, internship, exam, thesis/final project, thesis defense, and scientific publication. followed by the curriculum used in the International Class of Telkom University. An explanation of ICAO Functions is the existence of Administer special programs and International Exposure and Providing facilities and services. Mrs. Ira explained the facilities available in the international class, namely Classroom, student lounge, ICAO office, consultation lounge, lecturer lounge, auditorium. The ones on the 8th and 9th floors.
Next guest speaker Dr. Uwes Anis Chaeruman, M.Pd. Opened the webinar with an explanation of the points for “Settings “Learning” that can be known by Telkom university international class lecturers is about “Synchronous learning activities”, the first is face-to-face, the second is virtual Synchronous learning audio/video/web conference, the third is self-directed asynchronous learning object materials, and collaborative asynchronous learning chat, discussion, assignments. Dr. Uwes Anis Chaeruman also gave some tips about “HOW DO WE FACILITATE ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING? The first tip of PEDATI LEARN – IN – APPLY – EVALUATE, the second tip Who said that in asynchronous learning there is no presence or attendance? Do it as immediately as possible!
A very interesting and useful presentation for the lecturers who attended this webinar. 48 lectures were attended and joined the first session till the end seriously. Our guest speakers have successfully inspired all participants to become active.