On Thursday (15/09/22) for the International class, Telkom University successfully held the first time entirely onsite event after the coronavirus. For this event, we invited Radyum Ikono (CEO of Schoters) and Muh. Rexy Aji Mahatidana (Content Marketing Manager at ExxonMobil and Alumni from ICT Business International class) for our guest speakers.
This event aims to give new international class students knowledge about International classes, at Telkom University and also prepare them for their studies at Telkom University, International Mobility Program, Internship, and also EsyP. The speakers who gave them information were Dr. Dadan Rahadian (Vice Rector) who gave an outstanding opening speech and warm welcome, Dr. Mohammad Deni Akbar (Manager of International Class and Postgraduate) who told students more about International Class, Indah Fajarwati, S.E, M.M (Manager of International Office) explained more about International Exposure such as Student Exchange, Short Programs, EduTrip, Internship and also how much students have to pay for those programs and Retno Hendryanti, Ph.D. (Head of Language Center) who gave them information about preparation for EsyP.
This event was led by Master of Ceremony, Nur Afina (International Class Student) and Rexcy Putra (International Class Student). This is what Rexcy the MC and also a student from Informatics said about PKKMB 2022, “PKKMB 2022 must’ve been the most thrilling event that I had this year! To be an MC with Afina for more than 300 people has been a wonderful and unforgettable experience. With incredible speakers and performances not only from our committee but also from our lecturer and new students from 2022! At last, it is an event to die for not only for the newcomer but also seniors to re-feel what it feels like to be in the first year at Telkom university”
Students also got to enjoy entertainment from Band of Duty and three talented new students from 2022. They are Naufal and Keyshi (Couple Dance), Ismi Siti Nurzahra (Singing), and Mohammad Ayman Zulfikar (Stand Up Comedy).
Radyum Ikono’s speech about “Becoming Global Citizens for International Class Students” was moderated by Raihany Afifa (International Class Student) and Muh. Rexy Aji Mahatidana whose address about “Grab Opportunity – Boost Your Potential” was moderated by Ridla Aliya (International Class Student). All the participants attended and joined from the first session till the end seriously and full of excitement. Our guest speakers successfully inspired participants to become active international class students.